城市 深圳市

职能组 战略与分析

雇佣类型 常规用工

工作经验 5-10年

业态 支持中心

教育背景 本科


Store investment financial analysis to support Walmart store transformation

  • Lead financial analysis on decision making of new site/relocation for both compact Hyper and shoppable cloud, including
    • Proto assumption – maintain format assumption based on existing store performance and latest business plan
    • Financial result presentation and communication with International RE Finance team on financial assumptions, results etc.
  • Support on format development including SC/Compact Hyper iteration and new format pilot
  • Involve with routine PL review meeting with Hyper Ops team for performance / recovery plan tracking

Financial governance and efficiency improvement

  • Lead financial post audit on Hyper store new and remodel, including
    • Key financial KPIs results e.g.,
      • New – sales/EBITDAR/ROI vs agenda
      • Remodel – incremental sales/GP% uplift and investment ROI based on test vs control method
    • Business insights according to the results
    • Financial result presentation and communication with business partners
  • Lead financial modelling maintenance and optimization for new store/relocation/remodel/renewal/closure, and communicate with International RE Finance team on financial modelling for both Sam’s and Hyper
  • Support on ad-hoc financial report for Hyper
  • Support on RE related Capex AOP (annual plan) and LRP (5yr plan) for both Sam’s and Hyper

Candidate Qualification:

  • Strong analytical skill and business sense, Big 4 or other consulting firms preferred.
  • Proficient in Excel (with VBA experience preferred) and PowerPoint, as well as visualization tools e.g, Tableau, Power BI etc.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Experience - At least 3 years working experience in finance area. Retail or consulting background preferred.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Keen to learn.


Save Money. Live Better.

沃尔玛公司由美国零售业的传奇人物山姆 • 沃尔顿先生于1962年在阿肯色州成立。经过五十多年的发展,沃尔玛公司已经成为世界最大的私人雇主和连锁零售商,多次荣登《财富》杂志世界500强榜首及当选最具价值品牌。

沃尔玛公司致力于通过实体零售店、在线电子商店、以及移动设备移动端等不同平台不同方式来帮助世界各地的人们随时随地节省开支,并生活得更好。每周,超过2. 65亿名顾客和会员光顾我们在27个国家拥有的56个品牌下的11,500多家门店以及电子商务网站。沃尔玛全球2020财年营收达到5240亿美元,全球员工总数超220万名。沃尔玛将继续在可持续发展、企业慈善以及就业机会领域担任领军者的角色。

作为一家全渠道零售商,沃尔玛宣布从2018年2月1日起将公司法定名称由“沃尔玛百货公司 (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.)”变更为“沃尔玛公司(Walmart Inc.)”。本次变更公司法定名称,表明了沃尔玛越来越重视为顾客提供无缝连接的零售服务,以满足顾客多种购物方式,包括在门店、网上、移动设备上购物,或是以门店取货和接受送货上门的方式购物。




目前沃尔玛在中国经营不同业态和品牌,包括沃尔玛门店和山姆会员商店。沃尔玛目前已经在全国170多个城市开设了400多家商场 、22家配送中心 。作为一家全渠道零售商,沃尔玛中国零售全渠道战略立足顾客体验,通过加速零售创新的数字化和规模化,融合实体门店与多个电商渠道,无缝链接线上线下,为顾客提供随时随地随心的购物解决方案。同时积极寻求广泛合作,扩大全渠道的布局,构建全渠道零售生态圈,为顾客省钱省时间,让他们生活得更好。

