City Shenzhen

Function Name LICENSE & PERMIT

Employee Type Permanent/Regular

Years of Experience Required 10+ Years

Business Format Support Center (Home Office)

Education Level Required Undergraduate

Job Description

This is an important role to achieve our commitment to complying with all licensing laws applicable to our operation. This position must understand international compliance policies and applicable laws and regulations very well, lead the team to make sure new facilities, remodel projects complete with well licensed, and at the same time the manager should make sure operation licenses be well renewed. 高级证照经理是实现遵守所有适用于经营的许可证法律承诺的重要角色。该高级合规证照经理应充分了解国际合规政策和适用的法律法规,带领团队确保新设施及改造项目证照合规,所有营运证照通过合规进行续期。 Job Accountabilities职责: Key task items Workload (%) 1 Responsible for all licenses/permits for new facilities (Hypermarket, Club, Clouds, DC/PDC, Forward DC, etc.) and remodel projects, and renewal of all existing facilities. 负责新设施(大卖场、山姆、云仓、配送中心、前置仓等)、改造项目的证照取得工作,以及所有现有设施的证照续期、注销及相关工作。 40% 1.1 Work closely with China Realty to understand the company's latest new store and remodel plans 与中国地产部紧密沟通,了解公司最新新店及改造计划。 1.2 Lead team members to complete the license research and application for the new facilities and remodel project license. Timely assist internal and external communications to promote project progress and ensure that team members obtain all required licenses for new facilities and remodel projects as planned. 带领团队成员完成新店及改造项目的证照申请办理,及时协助进行内外部沟通,推进项目进度,确保团队同事按计划取得新店及改造项目证照; 1.3 Complete AT research and implement AT SOP for license to be obtained by Landlord. 完成新店项目的AT调研,业主办理的相关证照的办理流程应遵循AT标准流程。 1.4 Leads team members to complete all entity licenses management and update all the licenses ahead of time, and ensure operating licenses accord with national regulations and company’s requirements. 带领团队成员管理所管辖实体的证照,确保所有证照在到期前完成更新;保证公司营运证照符合国家法律规定及公司要求。 1.5 Work closely with business functions to ensure all application materials are well prepared for application. 与各相关部门紧密沟通,确保用于证照办理的所有申办材料齐全。 1.6 Communicate with local authorities to track application progress and understanding the potential issues that might delay the progress. 与地方政府部门沟通并追踪证照申办进度,了解是否有可能会影响进度的问题点。 1.7 Assist local authority with onsite inspection and feedback the inspection results to related functions. Communicate with cross-functional teams for completion time regarding the defects raised by local authorities during onsite inspection. 协助当地政府完成现场验场,并将验场结果及时反馈给公司相关部门;与公司相关部门进行跨部门沟通,追踪政府验场所提出的问题点的整改及完成时间。 1.8 Responsible for TPI/government payments directly related to licenses and make sure the licenses operation meets national standards and company’s anti-corruption strategies. 管理并负责办理所管辖领域的与证照直接相关的第三方中介事宜/政府付款,确保证照工作的办理符合公司的反腐败规定及国家法律的规定; 1.9 Keep close communication with management level and relevant departments to promote and complete the update and cancellation of store closing licenses in time. 与管理层及相关部门密切沟通,推动并及时完成闭店证照的更新、注销 1.10 Provide timely and effective on-site support and coordination for license issues with outstanding difficulties, assist team members to solve the outstanding problems raised by government on-site inspection, and ensure new facilities and remodel projects to be well licenses on time. Does not affect the overall progress of the project. 对于有突出困难的证照事务,及时、有效地给予现场支持及协调,协助同事解决政府验场中的问题,确保新店及改造项目准时取得证照, 不影响项目整体进度。 1.11 Lead team to review, develop and update L&P SOPs, license conditions setup and tracking, and Business partners mapping. Complete the scoping of any new license and permit. 带领团队定期对于办证流程、证照条件、业务伙伴等进行回顾和更新。对于新证照完成定性。 2 Use Global License Management System to manage license activities 使用全球证照管理系统管理证照活动。 20% 2.1 Use GLM system to manage requests for approval and ensure the team operate the GLM system according to the requirement of GLM SOP strictly to ensure each step’s operation comply with procedure’s requirement. 使用GLM 系统进行相关审批并督促团队成员严格按照GLM SOP程序要求进行全球证照管理系统操作,确保GLM每一步操作符合流程要求。 2.2 Strong command of internal computer and database systems used to manage licenses and permits for stores/clubs and other facilities 熟练掌握电脑及数据系统对门店及其它机构进行证照管理。 3 Anti-corruption Compliance 反腐败合规 5% 3.1 Manage all license related TPI, to ensure A/C compliance policy is being well followed. 管理所有证照相关的TPI,确保所有的操作流程严格遵守公司反腐败合规发布的相关政策。 3.2 To ensure the ANTI-CORRUPTION COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES has been strictly implemented throughout license application in Licenses and Permits Team. 确保证照团队在证照申办过程中,严格执行反腐败合规程序。 4 Support the company's new business, global and Chinese license team projects, crisis events, training to leadership and associates and yearly L&P risk assessment 支持公司新业务、全球及中国证照团队项目、危机事件、对于公司和门店人员进行培训及年度证照活动风险评估。 15% 4.1 Effectively support market new business and global license project to ensure timely and high-quality completion of the project. 有效支持中国新业务以及公司全球证照项目,确保项目及时且高质量的完成 4.2 Obey the team management and overall work arrangement, complete the tasks in a timely and high-quality manner, timely feedback and effectively promote the work progress. 服从团队管理及整体工作安排,及时高质量完成部门布置的任务,及时反馈并有效推动工作进展 5 Team Management 团队管理 20% 5.1 Model WM Ways and integrity principle, lead the team through the change. 以身作则,坚守诚信原则 ,带领团队进行变革。 5.2 Establish clear objectives for team members and support them to achieve the objectives. 为团队成员建立明确的目标,并协助他们达成目标。 5.3 Support team members’ personal development, and engage the team. 通过人个成长计划帮忙团队成员发展,并不断激励同事。 Job Requirements任职要求: • 8 to 10 years’ experience in licensing, government relation or retail business. 具有8-10年的证照许可、政府关系或零售业务经验。 • Strong work ethics and a high level of personal and professional integrity. 坚定的个人工作道德和高水平的职业道德操守。 • Multi-task oriented, flexible and creative problem solving approach to business. 业务管理的能力以多任务为导向、 灵活和拥有创造性解决问题的态度。 • Highly driven to achieve results, able to work under pressure 推动结果的实现和抗压能力强。 • Detail oriented. Good admin & organization skill; 工作细致,有良好的行政和组织能力; • Very good team player with intelligent interpersonal & communication skills; Service-oriented, can-do attitude. 具备优秀的人际交往和沟通能力、良好的服务意识和积极肯干的态度,具备强烈的团队意识。 • Good English and Chinese language skills 良好的中英文语言表达能力; • Skillful at Office operation 能够熟练操作办公软件 (e.g. Word, PPT, Excel); • Strong work ethics and a high level of personal and professional integrity. 坚定的个人工作道德和高水平的职业道德操守。 • Multi-task oriented, flexible and creative problem solving approach to business. 业务管理的能力以多任务为导向、 灵活和拥有创造性解决问题的态度。 • Highly driven to achieve results, able to work under pressure 推动结果的实现和抗压能力强。 • Detail oriented. Good admin & organization skill; 工作细致,有良好的行政和组织能力; • Very good team player with intelligent interpersonal & communication skills; Service-oriented, can-do attitude. 具备优秀的人际交往和沟通能力、良好的服务意识和积极肯干的态度,具备强烈的团队意识。 • Good English and Chinese language skills 良好的中英文语言表达能力; • Skillful at Office operation/能够熟练操作办公软件 (e.g. Word, PPT, Excel); Good government communication, have the capacities of using appropriate judgment, planning and pursuing team-based improvement. 良好的政府协调能力,良好的判断能力,规划和团队创新能力。 Bachelor Degree and above. 全日制本科及以上学历。

Company Summary

Save Money. Live Better.
About Walmart Inc.

Walmart Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962. Over the past 50 years, the company has served customers and is now the world’s largest private employer and retailer. Walmart was ranked on the top of the Fortune 500 list several times and is among the most recognized global brands. 

Walmart Inc. helps people around the world save money and live better – anytime and anywhere – in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, over 265 million customers and members visit our more than 11,500 stores under 56 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. With fiscal year 2020 revenue of $524.0 billion, Walmart employs over 2.2 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity.

As an omni-channel retailer, Walmart announced plans to change the company’s legal name from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. to Walmart Inc. effective Feb. 1, 2018. The name change chiefly demonstrates the company’s growing emphasis on serving customers seamlessly however they want to shop: in stores, online, on their mobile device, or through pickup and delivery.

In China, as elsewhere, we follow Walmart core values of “Service to the customer”, “Respect for the individual”, “Strive for excellence” and “Act with integrity”, and stick to the Walmart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time, so as to fulfill our core mission, and continue to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates.

About Walmart China

China is a market with a vast number of opportunities. We are fully confident about the prospects of the Chinese economy and the Chinese market. Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Walmart store and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996.

Currently, Walmart operates different formats and banners in China including Walmart store and Sam’s Club. Walmart now has been operating over 400 retail units covering more than 170 cities nationwide; as well as running 22 distribution centers. Walmart China’s omni-channel retail strategy focuses on customer experience to offer customers and members easier shopping solutions anytime, anywhere in the way they like through accelerated digitalization and scale-up of retail innovation and integration of stores, clubs with multiple ecommerce channels. At the same time, the China ecommerce team continues to seek collaboration in multiple areas to expand the landscape of integration and build a win-win omni-channel retail ecosystem to help people save money and time and live better.

Walmart is committed to local talent development and diversity, especially the cultivation and full utilization of female staff and executives. 99.9% of Walmart China associates are Chinese nationals. All of Walmart China’s store managers are Chinese. Furthermore, around 65% of Walmart China associates are female and nearly 50% of above-director level associates are female. In 2009, the company established the “Walmart China Women’s Leadership Development Commission” for driving women’s career development.

Walmart will continue to make long-term investment in China and develop both online and offline to provide customers with even better services. Meanwhile, Walmart will continue to upgrade existing stores, invest in food safety and build on strong partnerships with our Chinese suppliers. Walmart expects to create more jobs, makes joint development with Chinese economy and become a trusted corporate citizen in China.