City Shenzhen


Employee Type Permanent/Regular

Years of Experience Required 10+ Years

Business Format Support Center (Home Office)

Education Level Required Undergraduate

Job Description



  • 促进和支持公司政策、程序、使命、价值观以及道德和诚信标准。
·       在公司业务的指引下,为资产保护部全面损耗和盘点审计设定目标及策略。专注于识别资产保护损耗管控方面的风险,减低损失,确保资产得到保护,并秉持高度诚信、专业创新的原则,持续推动流程优化,为业务提供有关全面损耗和盘点审计风险的解决方案。
·       领导监督:负责团队工作计划的落地和质量把控,包括但不限于根据业务风险点,提出改进和管控计划,协调资源,并确保行动计划的执行一致性和改进措施的有效落实。

·       协作沟通:能够与相关业务部门管理层进行协作交流,展示和传达风险发现结果及信息。并以恰当的方式呈现,倾听前线和跨团队的反馈,研究实际运作中的问题;以专业的态度就全面损耗和盘点审计管理事项提供意见,满足业务部门的期望。

·       团队建设:营造协作、包容和多元化的团队环境。 展示激励员工的能力。 通过培训为员工提供发展机会; 指导和辅导; 建立绩效预期并定期进行绩效评估; 提供认可和奖励。

·       推动和支持公司的政策、程序、使命、价值观,以及道德和诚信标准。



  • 判断:有良好的判断和洞察,通过现场观察和使用相关的业务指标、流程,分析和报告来衡量、监控和促进风险改善。确定优先事项、能基于事实,确定问题的根本原因,并确定和实施适用的解决方案。整合知识和专业知识,做出基于事实的建议和决策。
  • 以客户/会员为中心:确保以客户/会员为中心的全面损耗和盘点审计风险管控方式和持续改善目标,并制定超出客户/会员期望的计划。
  • 执行力和结果:确保执行力并取得成果以激励他人完成责任和实现目标的方式传达紧迫感。追求可衡量和有意义的目标的实现和调整。利用资源和人才来实现业务目标。确保其他人对实现预期结果负责。对时间、行动和项目进行优先级排序和平衡,以确保取得成果。
  • 规划和改进:确保规划和改进设定明确的期望、绩效衡量标准和目标,并帮助其他人也这样做。计划并确保其他人拥有完成业务计划所需的信息、资源、实施时间和人才。使用关键业务指标识别并计划绩效改进。
  • 影响和沟通:建立和影响团队制定和传达合乎逻辑的、令人信服的理由,包括吸取的经验教训,以建立对自己观点和行动的支持。在适当的时候,让他人参与影响他们的决策和计划。认可和奖励团队成就,庆祝团队和组织的成功。确保以清晰和令人信服的方式传达业务优先级、变更计划和组织信息。促进组织内各种经验和想法的交流。
  • 道德与合规:确保道德与合规积极沟通、培训和指导员工遵守政策和程序。维持一个促进和加强最高标准的诚信和道德的环境。预测潜在问题并采取措施提高合规性。
  • 适应性:适应和学习在面对变化、障碍或逆境时表现出创造力和力量。适应相互竞争的需求和不断变化的优先事项。更新知识和技能,以应对新的复杂性、挑战和责任。寻求接触新的想法和观点。确定并采取措施提高自己组织的适应性和持续学习能力。
  • 人才:管理和利用人才为自己的组织制定人才计划,管理角色、任务和发展机会,以最大限度地提高组织绩效。确保人员流程(例如,选拔、发展、绩效评估)在整个组织中带来有效的员工绩效和预期结果。监控员工绩效,并提供具体、诚实、准确和及时的建设性反馈。为员工的发展提供学习机会、指导和支持。
  • 建立关系:内部和外部网络与组织内外的其他人建立信任、协作关系和联盟。以接受和尊重的方式与他人交往,无论他们的组织水平、个性或背景如何。促进以团队为基础的工作环境,尊重、



在风险咨询、风险控制、数据化中台风险管控或其他相关领域至少有 10 年工作经验。


5 年监管经验。



Company Summary

Save Money. Live Better.
About Walmart Inc.

Walmart Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962. Over the past 50 years, the company has served customers and is now the world’s largest private employer and retailer. Walmart was ranked on the top of the Fortune 500 list several times and is among the most recognized global brands. 

Walmart Inc. helps people around the world save money and live better – anytime and anywhere – in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, over 265 million customers and members visit our more than 11,500 stores under 56 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. With fiscal year 2020 revenue of $524.0 billion, Walmart employs over 2.2 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity.

As an omni-channel retailer, Walmart announced plans to change the company’s legal name from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. to Walmart Inc. effective Feb. 1, 2018. The name change chiefly demonstrates the company’s growing emphasis on serving customers seamlessly however they want to shop: in stores, online, on their mobile device, or through pickup and delivery.

In China, as elsewhere, we follow Walmart core values of “Service to the customer”, “Respect for the individual”, “Strive for excellence” and “Act with integrity”, and stick to the Walmart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time, so as to fulfill our core mission, and continue to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates.

About Walmart China

China is a market with a vast number of opportunities. We are fully confident about the prospects of the Chinese economy and the Chinese market. Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Walmart store and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996.

Currently, Walmart operates different formats and banners in China including Walmart store and Sam’s Club. Walmart now has been operating over 400 retail units covering more than 170 cities nationwide; as well as running 22 distribution centers. Walmart China’s omni-channel retail strategy focuses on customer experience to offer customers and members easier shopping solutions anytime, anywhere in the way they like through accelerated digitalization and scale-up of retail innovation and integration of stores, clubs with multiple ecommerce channels. At the same time, the China ecommerce team continues to seek collaboration in multiple areas to expand the landscape of integration and build a win-win omni-channel retail ecosystem to help people save money and time and live better.

Walmart is committed to local talent development and diversity, especially the cultivation and full utilization of female staff and executives. 99.9% of Walmart China associates are Chinese nationals. All of Walmart China’s store managers are Chinese. Furthermore, around 65% of Walmart China associates are female and nearly 50% of above-director level associates are female. In 2009, the company established the “Walmart China Women’s Leadership Development Commission” for driving women’s career development.

Walmart will continue to make long-term investment in China and develop both online and offline to provide customers with even better services. Meanwhile, Walmart will continue to upgrade existing stores, invest in food safety and build on strong partnerships with our Chinese suppliers. Walmart expects to create more jobs, makes joint development with Chinese economy and become a trusted corporate citizen in China.